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What’s See Learn all about?

See Learn is an educational platform specializing in stop-motion animation.


How does it work?

See Learn courses are pre-recorded lesons, so that means they can be viewed whenever and wherever you want, provided you have a high speed internet connection. The course are designed for the student to do a lesson each week, so since there's 8 classes, each term is 8 weeks long.


How is See Learn different from other animation schools?

- By being online, you watch when you want and submit assignments when you want. It’s a very flexible way to learn.

- Much more affordable than university or college, 3x less actually.

- Getting teacher feedback on your assignments is like having a teacher right in your room with you. They will analyze your work and suggest crucial suggestions to improve your animation.

- The instructors are current industry professionals, giving you up-to-date applicable skills.


When does the course start and finish?

Upcoming start dates will be announced soon, sign up to be on the mailing list.


How many hours per week will it take? 

The video lessons are about 20-30 min in length and they contain 2-4 assignments each. It's best to think of these assignments as sketches, they’re not films. This is where you'll be exploring and making mistakes and that means you might do them a few times to truly understand the principal. So the short answer is, it depends. Both on the assignment and on how much you put into it.


How long of a wait from assignment submission to receiving feedback video?

Assignment feedback videos will be recorded on Fridays. They will be sent immediately after they're filmed.


Are there deadlines to the assignments?

We all get busy and things don't go as planned, no worries. Submit your assignments whenever you can. Just know that your success with the course comes also from your dedication to completing the assignments consistently.


How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.


How do i pay?

You can use credit card or Paypal. 


If something unexpected happens, can I get a refund?

Give us an email and we'll figure something out.


Will there be more subjects offered?

Yes, we have plans to expand into other subjects related to the field of stop-motion and film-making. If you have suggestions please let us know on the Contact form. 


Will the subjects be available in other languages?

In the near future, all classes will be translated into French and Spanish.


What cameras can i use with Dragon Frame?

Dragon Frame has a great page on cameras, connection and settings


I need to know more, I have more questions!

Send us your inquiries through the CONTACT form


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We hate spam too, so we keep those emails to a minimum and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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