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These are just some basic things to keep in mind while taking a course with See Learn.

Naming Convention

Establishing a naming convention is a necessary part of working in the industry, it makes things much more efficient and develops a system to follow in the future. Please follow this for all your assignments.

Render Settings

Render all your assignments in .mp4, this keeps the files small and all software should be able to output in this format as it’s become an internet standard. 


Your render resolution should be around 1920 x 1080 or if you’re using a 4:3 aspect ratio it should be 1440 x 1080. Dragonframe will give an error if the height is higher than 1080, I don’t know if this an issue with other software. Unless you’re using an older camera, you shouldn’t have a problem rendering in HD.


Make sure to double check your output Frames per Second (FPS) this needs to match your project.

Uploading Your Assignments

On the Lesson page, click the “Upload video” button under the Upload Your Assignments section. Next, select the appropriate lesson folder and then upload the video by clicking the +File button.


When should you expect to receive your feedback? We will be responding to all the new assignments on Fridays and they will remain in the Uploaded file folders. 


Shortly afterwards, we’ll send you a video recording of us reviewing your assignment and what to improve for the future. If you have any follow up questions, just respond by email.


If you have any questions or concerns, leave a comment on the lesson page or give us an email.


Your success in stop-motion is really dependant on the community. So we highly encourage you to join the private See Learn Member Facebook group. Share your work or just get to know your fellow classmates.

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